Presented below are those works within The Dream Museum which consist of still mediums, including drawing, painting, collage and more. Like all works within this collection, they speak to the nature of dreams and / or nightmares, specifically within a contemporary context.

To find the video and new media works which have been included in this collection, click HERE.

[Abigail Fullwood / 08.25.2023]

We close out The Dream Museum's regular collection with a series of collage works that evoke the surreal and horrifying imagery of 21st century media.

[Shane Richardson / 08.21.2023]

I often dream of snakes. Their bodies slithering and squirming when I close my eyes. To most people they are a source of fear. However, I think they are beautiful and signify death, creation and myth.

[Kelsey Ford / 08.17.2023]

Morphology presents a re-imagined (or perhaps re-remembered) past, surreally injecting silver screen hollywood stars with insectoid features. Desire, memory, identity and the line between adoration and revulsion are playfully rendered through this imagery, speaking to many of the underlying themes of the dreaming mind.

[Danielle Goshay / 08.16.2023]

Rebis, 2023 explores alternative processes of photography as a meditative practice in art therapy, ritual, divination, and world building by applying fire to light-sensitive photographic material. Fire acts as an autonomous artist to create psychological formations, pareidolia, and constructed landscapes.

[Cissy Shi / 08.15.2023]

This is a...drawing of a weird dream I had 3 years ago.

In the dream I was a white man, I had 1 daughter, 4 dogs and a dinosaur. I was living in a cabin in the woods. One day I thought that I am tired of the poor life living in the woods, so I contacted someone, and sold the dinosaur and 2 of my dogs and bought a car. I drive out of the woods with my daughter and 2 other dogs, planning on moving to a city. On the way, I stopped at a gas station, while filling the gas, I was thinking about the rich life I would have in the city. However, I didn’t notice behind me, my 2 dogs turned into human form and killed my daughter with a knife and then they hung her up. When I finally saw what they done, it was too late. My daughter ‘s face is dead purple. I panicked, I thought she was killed because of my greed and neglect. Right then, my phone ringed, I picked it up. The voice said nothing but a line of numbers: 4 2 6 7 3.

I woke up.